Certified Utility Worker Program
Get ready to climb the ladder of success in the power delivery industry: ALC's Certified Utility Worker Program equips you with the critical knowledge, skills and certifications employers demand. Learn to work on a simulated crew where you will assemble, prepare, and load line equipment, ergonomically dig pole holes, set poles, and navigate utility vehicles with expertise. Master the safe and effective use of hand and power tools, understand essential safety requirements, construction standards and craftsmanship.
This comprehensive program includes online learning and intensive field training. Upon completion students will be certified for entry level groundman and utility worker positions.
Mastering Three Phase Power
With Three Phase learning
Just like a three-phase electrical system relies on precise rotation for smooth operation, American Lineman College structured the Certified Utility Worker Program in three distinct phases – Red, White, and Blue. Each phase represents a crucial milestone in your journey, ensuring you graduate not just with knowledge, but with the real-world skills and certifications needed to thrive in the power delivery industry.
Think of it as your own personal learning grid.
Red Phase
Online Academics
Ignite your theoretical foundation with online industry curriculum covering:
Electrical Systems and Grids
Electrical Theory
AC DC Theory
Rigging for Lineworkers
Career Planning
White Phase
Campus Circuit
Put your online knowledge into practice through intense hands-on training in a simulated work environment. Learn:
Construction Framing
Equipment Operation
Setting and Removing poles
Mastery of Tools
Setting up the Job Site
Knots, Splices and Ropes
Working on a Crew
Blue Phase
Earn industry recognized certifications:
Energy Wheel Certification
Framing Certification
Digger Derrick Certification
Bucket Truck, Enclosed Space Cert.
Chain Saw Certification
First Aid/CPR Certification
Advanced Rigging Certification
G.O. 95 Certification
Groundman Certification

Certified Utility Worker Program
This comprehensive program includes online learning and intensive field training. Upon completion students will be certified for entry level groundman and utility worker positions.